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Ferobin Plus Syrup 200ml


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Ferobin Plus is indicated syrup is indicated for iron-deficiency anaemia, megaloblastic anaemia, anaemia due to pregnancy. Anaemia due to excessive or repeated haemorrhage, Anaemia associated with infections and malignant diseases.


Each 5ml contains:

Ferric Ammonium Citrate BP-200mg (equivaalent to 43mg of elemntal iron)

Folic acid-0.5mg

vitamin b1-2.0mg

vitamin b2-1.0mg

vitamin b6-2.0mg

vitamin b12-5.0mg

nicotinamide -5.0mg

zinc gluconate-1.0mg

manganese gluconate -1.5mg


Dosage and administration:

Adults: 1 teaspoonful (5ml) three times or four times daily. Dosage is adjusted gradually as needed and as tolerated.